“Everyone gets in different. Sometimes it’s close to where you are, sometimes it’s farther. The hike is worth it, I swear! Half the time I don’t even know what I’m doing! I ain’t got a clue how I got here! Half the time when I meet you it’s in something totally new to me. Ya think I knew what a radio was before I got there? A goddamn server? When did they build that new thing across the street? Count the radio channels in your car. Did you open that tab on your phone? Is your TV on? Go towards it.”
Welcome to The Abyss, my friends. Here, we will hope and strive to not miss the forest for the trees as we build our branching garden path, navigating together through its manifold mysteries.
If you wish to see the full map of the world of En Abime that has been traversed so far, click on the icon at the top right of the Graph View. Feel free to drag nodes around, zoom in and out, and click on any you want to see the details of. The graph by default shows you your node’s “local group”, so to speak---if this garden path could be conceived of as stepping stones haphazardly scattered about, these are the stones in stepping distance. (That is, they’re the pages that the current page links to or follows from lol)
If you want to walk down the path the old fashioned way, I’ll see you in Heaven.
(…though, of course, you can’t always get where you want to go by following the rules. Sometimes, you have to break things a little bit and see what comes spilling out…)